Saturdays were made for relaxation.Other weeks, I could be at my job which was a normal thing for me. Saturdays are usually a very packed night due to all the people going…Jan 9, 2022Jan 9, 2022
Snowfall in NYCToday was one of those days you think of about New York in the winter, a snowfall. The first thing you see is snow on the ground. You get…Jan 8, 2022Jan 8, 2022
Podcasting has been a hobby of mine for the past couple of years.A podcast called Performing the Arts, now called Call Time. My idea was to interview people in the performing arts and talk to them about…Jan 7, 2022Jan 7, 2022
I almost didn’t write today.The problem comes from the need to write. And my anxiety to write, I guess. I told my therapist about my 365 challenge of writing each day…Jan 6, 2022Jan 6, 2022
Writing like an EssayA lot of this daily writing thing reminds me of an English class that I once had. In the spring 2015 semester, I was already a student at…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
Give Me A (Booster) ShotBack in late April, I got my first Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine vaccine injection, then three weeks later, I got my second injection.Jan 4, 2022Jan 4, 2022
I took a walk yesterday and it felt good to do so again.I’ve been on walks that ended up sparking up an idea and allowing me to write a much better storyline. OR being a pure cathartic feeling…Jan 3, 2022Jan 3, 2022
Page 1This is an odd thing to try and do, but I am going to write, hopefully, 365 pages of a memoir of 2022. Odd, I know, but hear me out. Like…Jan 2, 2022Jan 2, 2022
How the COVID-19 Pandemic Helped Me Love and Stop Worrying to WriteThroughout 2020, I wasn’t writing much or at all. There were days that when I did write, I couldn’t even type out a full paragraph. Just a…Feb 22, 2021Feb 22, 2021
Why I Love Acting, or Why I Rather Play the VillainIt’s odd to live in this time. Because of the Coronavirus, entertainment has been put on hiatus, especially in Broadway until sometime in…Jun 5, 2020Jun 5, 2020